3 Tips for Treating a Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Vitamin D3 is essential for our health, impacting our cognitive functions and bones, and helping shield us from a variety of different ailments, including certain types of cancers. At Panacea Scientific, we can help you get the optimal amount of nutrients with holistic, natural supplements that can make a world of difference in your health.  

3 Tips for Treating a Vitamin D3 Deficiency

1. Get Out in the Sun

Spending time out in the sun is one of the best ways that you can naturally infuse your body with some vitamin D. The optimal time to go out is during the middle of the day. However, protecting your skin from sunburns and avoiding heatstroke is essential.

Bear these things in mind if you’re heading out for a dose of nature’s finest vitamin, and consider additional ways, like supplements, to fortify your body further. You can also use a UV-B lamp to increase your vitamin D levels indoors, although it’s advisable to only use these lamps for about 15 minutes at a time for the best and safest results.

2. Eat a Vitamin D-Rich Diet

When it comes to getting enough vitamin D in your body, you are what you eat. Many delicious foods are high in this essential nutrient, including salmon, egg yolks, and tuna. There’s also vitamin D in certain mushrooms, like chanterelles and shitake mushrooms, so if you’re going for a vegetarian or vegan option, you can still get your vitamin D from food sources.

You can also get tasty foods that are fortified with vitamin D for an extra boost of this nutrient. Many fortified foods specify what they contain right on the label. Whether you get your vitamin D from naturally occurring food sources or through fortified means, one thing is for sure: incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet is one excellent way to protect your health.

3. Take Supplements

Supplements are an exceptional way to treat your vitamin deficiency and are one of the easiest things you can do to keep your vitamin D levels looking good. Our supplements, like Omega With D3, are an exceptional combination of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. It’s a great item to have on hand if you’re concerned about your vitamin D levels or if you experience a vitamin D deficiency.

These three ways can help you beat a vitamin D deficiency and start living a healthier life. Plus, they’re all easy to do and can have substantial benefits to your well-being and physical health.

Protect Yourself With Natural Supplements

Natural supplements are an easy and effective way to get the vitamins that you need.  Taking care of your health in a holistic way is safe and gentle and puts you in control of your well-being. Our products are a fusion of Western medicine and naturopathy, expertly blended to yield the best results. Contact Panacea Scientific at (203) 246 – 7286 and learn more about how supplements can transform your life today.


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