Top 5 Reliable Ways to Reduce Appetite Naturally
In order to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, it is vital to be careful about what and how much you put into your body. Taking charge of your health includes finding ways to reduce appetite without resorting to unhealthy chemicals or gimmicky diets. Luckily there are proven strategies you can implement today that work […]
What Are the Health Benefits of Probiotics?
Many people take probiotics for digestive health. But there are many different types of these microorganisms, and they benefit many different aspects of health. Read on to see how they can help you. What Are Probiotics? When you think of bacteria, you generally picture something bad. While some bacteria are harmful, there are also billions […]
How Can You Get Lower Blood Sugar Naturally?
Sugar pervades our environment. You can hardly walk through the supermarket without being bombarded by a plethora of snacks and treats that will satisfy your sweet tooth. And that is not to even mention all the frozen goods, soups, rubs, and glazes that sneak sugar into their product. There is no wonder that the question […]
How to Reduce Appetite With Glucose Control
You exercise at least 2.5 hours per week. You know the right foods to eat. You control your urges to eat unhealthy foods – most of the time. But occasionally, you succumb to the siren call of a double bacon cheeseburger with onion rings and french fries. Sometimes, your appetite is so voracious you lose […]
What Is Blood Sugar? 3 Reasons It’s Crucial for Your Health
We hear a lot about blood sugar control, and if you’re suffering from diabetes, it’s one of the biggest issues on your personal health radar. But what is blood sugar, exactly, and why is it so important to your health? What Is Blood Sugar? Sugar in the blood is called glucose. How do you get […]
5 Steps to Finding the Perfect Probiotics for IBS
IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a condition that affects between 25 and 45 million Americans every year. Even more cases go undiagnosed and untreated. At Panacea Scientific, our mission is to educate the public on holistic, all-natural treatments for their maladies so they can live a happier, healthier life. Today, we look at how […]
4 Amazing Reasons Why Evvea Is the Best Probiotic for Gut Health
Finding ways to stay healthy can be a challenge. When your life gets busy or you spend part of your day getting kids from one activity to another, being able to squeeze in some exercise time or prepare a healthy, satisfying meal can be tough. It’s still a good idea to do these things when […]
These 6 Revolutionary Probiotic Benefits Will Change Everything about Your Health
We hear about probiotics everywhere, especially when it comes to yogurt. But what are probiotics? Why do we need them? At Panacea Scientific, we’d like to teach everyone about the amazing probiotic benefits that will improve your health. 6 Probiotic Benefits 1. Probiotics Boost Your Immune System Are you looking for the secret to surviving […]
What Are Probiotics? Shed Pounds by Helping Your Digestive Tract
What are Probiotics? Probiotics are the good bacteria that already live in your intestinal tract. You may not realize it, but there are more beneficial bacteria in your body than there are native cells. Enhancing those bacteria, and helping them overcome the environmental challenges that can reduce their numbers, can help you maintain a proper […]
Why Are Multiple Strains Important in a Probiotic?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that people consume to balance the levels of microorganisms that already live in your intestines. They do everything from boosting your immune system to reducing the amount of harmful bacteria living in your gut. But why is it so important to have multiple strains in a probiotic? Keep reading […]
How a Healthy Digestive Tract Helps Weight Loss
Weight loss is hard. However, a healthy gut goes a long way in helping you lose weight. One of the easiest things you can do for the health of your digestive tract is take a natural, allergen-free supplement, like Evvea. Keep reading to learn how a healthy digestive tract supports weight loss. How to Achieve […]
Signs Your Probiotics Are Working
Your body houses trillions of microscopic organisms that collectively can weigh up to three to five pounds. However, sometimes it is hard to maintain a healthy balance of these microorganisms, or flora, in our gut. This affects our health in many ways, so we take probiotics to improve our gut health. But how do we know […]