5 Health Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar

5 Health Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar

Elevated blood sugar, sometimes referred to as hyperglycemia, affects over 37 million Americans annually. This common condition, when left untreated for a long period of time, can cause many complications. Here’s what you need to know.

5 Health Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar

1. Nerve Problems

Diabetic neuropathy is one complication that can arise if you have chronically high blood sugar. If you develop diabetic neuropathy, you may experience such symptoms as pain and numbness.

2. Heart Problems

Having chronically high blood sugar can also lead to heart problems. For example, your risk of developing heart disease nearly doubles if you have untreated high blood glucose levels.

3. Brain Problems

Hyperglycemia can also significantly impact your brain. This is due, in part, to the potential of hyperglycemia damaging the nerves that control your blood vessels, resulting in a stroke. If the nerves controlling your blood vessels are not damaged, there is still a significant risk that the nerves in your brain will sustain damage.

Some of the signs that high blood sugar is affecting your brain include trouble learning new things and remembering things you have already learned, difficulty regulating your emotions, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances. There are many ways besides a stroke that high blood sugar can damage your brain.

4. Bone Problems

Hyperglycemia also increases your risk of bone problems. For example, if you have chronically high blood sugar levels, regardless of your bone mass, you are more likely to break your bones than someone without hyperglycemia. Additionally, if you develop diabetic neuropathy or vision changes due to poorly regulated blood sugar levels, your risk of falls increases significantly.

5. Eye Problems

Hyperglycemia can also wreak havoc on your eyes. Some of the most common eye diseases that can arise from untreated hyperglycemia include diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, cataracts, and neovascular glaucoma.

Diabetic neuropathy is the leading cause of blindness in Americans over the age of 18, so it is crucial that you take steps to control your blood sugar levels and have your eyes tested regularly. Macular edema can cause distorted or blurry vision, and cataracts can cause such problems as: 

  • Poor night vision
  • Nearsightedness
  • Vision distortions
  • Double vision

What Can I Do to Manage My Blood Sugar Levels? 

Your primary care physician can advise you on the best way to manage your blood sugar levels. One effective step you can take is to incorporate a dietary supplement, like Glucose Control 7 Ways 6.4 or Glucose Control 7 Ways 6.4 With Caffeine into your daily routine. Besides helping you keep your blood sugar in check, these supplements can provide other benefits, like keeping hunger at bay.

There are many risks associated with chronic high blood sugar. Among them are nerve problems, heart problems, and brain problems. If your doctor advises you that a dietary supplement can help you manage your blood sugar, reach out to us at Panacea Scientific to find out which supplement could benefit you the most. 


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