4 Signs That You May Be Suffering From Poor Gut Health

You’ve heard about the science on gut health and just how important it is. It affects so many of the body’s systems! To stay in vibrant good condition and age as well as you possibly can, keep on top of how your gut is doing by seeing how you feel. If you find yourself noticing any of the following signs, you might just need a dose of self-care that targets the little microbes that work for you every day.

4 Signs That You May Be Suffering From Poor Gut Health

1. Your Skin Is Not the Happiest Camper

We are used to looking at our skin as a zone that we treat literally on the surface–we address any symptoms from the outside with creams, scrubs, and serums. But skin problems can start on the inside.  If you’re seeing breakouts, rashes, or something more serious, like eczema, it’s possible that leaky gut is contributing to the condition. This is when particles that should stay inside our gut get into the bloodstream. Good news: this can be healed.

2. You Haven’t Been Sleeping So Well

Our gut microbiomes work with and contribute to our bodies’ collections of neurotransmitters, for one thing, and when your gut isn’t happy, your brain’s ability to sleep well could be affected. In turn, lack of good sleep affects the self-renewal “housekeeping” processes throughout the body and brain that keeps us healthy and avoids speeding up aging. Not-so-great sleep can move us into not-so-great health, and back around again in a feedback loop.

3. Your Mood Has Slid Decidedly Downward

Speaking of sleep, if the neurotransmitter serotonin is low, restful sleep can be scarce. And, low serotonin can also prompt low moods and depressive states during waking hours. This is one way your gut could be telling you that it is unhappy, too. We now understand that we don’t want our good bacteria to be overtaken by not-so-good ones, so feed the right things to the good ones to help them win any tug of war.

4. You’re Just Plain Uncomfortable All the Time

Maybe you don’t have an issue that’s easy to pinpoint so much as chronic distress of some sort. Maybe you experience bloating and gas after you eat something in particular.  If so, start to connect the symptoms back to what was on your plate. You might get diarrhea or heartburn or nausea more often than seems necessary. Is it fried food, dairy, caffeine, or alcohol? We’re all different, and some do better or worse with certain foods and drink.

In short, we can follow the principle of “out with the bad, in with the good.” Getting the right balance of nutrients to support you and your gut is sometimes complicated in our busy, complex world. It can be tricky to ensure that you and your microbiome get what you need on a daily basis, so take a look at what supplements from Panacea Scientific Institute can offer you in your comprehensive plan to cover all the nutritional bases.


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