4 Signs You May Need an Energy Booster

If you feel fatigued or irritable, an energy booster might just be what you need to feel yourself again. There are several reasons why our energy levels drop, but by following best practices for energy restoration and supplementing your diet with holistic products, you can feel your best rapidly. At Panacea Scientific, we specialize in […]

3 Tips for Treating a Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Vitamin D3 is essential for our health, impacting our cognitive functions and bones, and helping shield us from a variety of different ailments, including certain types of cancers. At Panacea Scientific, we can help you get the optimal amount of nutrients with holistic, natural supplements that can make a world of difference in your health. […]

Friends Help Our Health As We Age

Part of healthy aging is maintaining a strong social support system. There are several studies examining the connection between friends and age.  Their overwhelming conclusion is that good friendships have a massive impact on mental and social health. 4 Health Benefits of Having Friends Around as We Age 1. Stay Physically Active Aging adults with […]

Panacea’s Guide to Choosing the Best Over-the-Counter Probiotic for Constipation

Constipation can be a frustrating issue to deal with. Sometimes, eating enough fiber and drinking enough water isn’t enough to reduce constipation. When dietary changes fail to make a difference, you might want to consider using a constipation probiotic. Probiotics specially formulated to reduce constipation may give you relief, especially when you stick with your […]

Can Probiotics Help With Bloating?

Bloating can make daily life miserable. It contributes to physical discomfort and can interfere with how your clothing fits. Relief from bloating is one of the primary benefits of probiotics. If you live with bloating, take time to learn how probiotics can help you. Probiotics for Bloating Probiotics help restore the normal, natural balance of […]

Probiotics for Constipation: How Quickly Can You Get Relief?

Probiotics can be incredibly beneficial to your gut health, especially if you’re dealing with digestive challenges such as constipation. There is a lot of scientific research about effective strains of probiotics.  You can find these effective strains in a product such as Evvea, from Panacea Scientific. Learn everything you need to know about probiotics benefits […]

How Much Protein Powder Should You Take in One Serving?

Protein supplements are a great way to add extra protein to your diet to meet your daily protein needs. Protein is an essential nutrient that helps build muscles, repair tissues, maintain body weight, and much more. Read on to learn about protein powder, including the daily value recommendations and the advantages of whey protein.  How […]

Natural Supplements for High Blood Sugar Levels

Managing blood sugar levels involves a careful balance of diet, exercise, and natural supplements. Among the natural ways to support healthy glucose metabolism, certain ingredients have shown special promise in stabilizing blood sugar. Natural Supplements and the Ingredients for Better Blood Sugar Levels Several natural compounds are known to influence blood sugar control.  And, a […]

Healing Power of Friendship Grows With Age

Friendship is a cornerstone of human existence, providing us with joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging. As we age, the power of friendship – important from our earliest years – can actually mean even more. While young friendships offer the thrill of discovery and bonding, those formed in later years or that have endured […]

What Is the Recommended Dosage of Vitamin D3 for Adults?

You may have heard that being in the sunlight is good because your body needs to “absorb the vitamin D.” However, this advice is a little misleading. The truth is that the human body can create its own vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Of course, many adults who do not get […]

5 Health Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar

Elevated blood sugar, sometimes referred to as hyperglycemia, affects over 37 million Americans annually. This common condition, when left untreated for a long period of time, can cause many complications. Here’s what you need to know. 5 Health Dangers of Elevated Blood Sugar 1. Nerve Problems Diabetic neuropathy is one complication that can arise if […]

Are Vegetarian Multi-Vitamins Suitable for Vegans As Well?

Refraining from consuming any animal products or byproducts does not necessarily guarantee good health outcomes. Here’s what you need to know about taking vegetarian multivitamins to stay as nourished as possible. Are Vegetarian Multivitamins Suitable for Vegans As Well?  Whether a vegetarian dietary supplement is suitable for vegans depends on its ingredients. If there is […]

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