Top 5 Reliable Ways to Reduce Appetite Naturally

In order to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, it is vital to be careful about what and how much you put into your body. Taking charge of your health includes finding ways to reduce appetite without resorting to unhealthy chemicals or gimmicky diets. Luckily there are proven strategies you can implement today that work […]

What Are the Health Benefits of Probiotics?

Many people take probiotics for digestive health. But there are many different types of these microorganisms, and they benefit many different aspects of health. Read on to see how they can help you. What Are Probiotics? When you think of bacteria, you generally picture something bad. While some bacteria are harmful, there are also billions […]

6 Things to Look for When It Comes to Quality Protein Powder

When considering a protein powder, it’s easy to get lost in the myriad options available. But knowing the exact qualities to look for can help you separate the best from the mediocre. 1. The List of Ingredients The ingredients are perhaps the most important consideration, and for that reason, you need to know what should […]

6 Common Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a series of conditions that can signal danger ahead in your health. People with this syndrome are more likely to develop problems like diabetes and heart disease. This problem can often be fought with lifestyle changes, including dietary supplements. Abdominal Obesity One of the most common symptoms is obesity that can be […]

6 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Your blood sugar levels are important when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. When your blood sugar is out of control, you may feel tired and generally unhealthy. This can also lead to dangers like diabetes. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stabilize your blood sugar and maintain healthy levels. Exercise Regular exercise […]

How Whey Protein Can Help You Feel Fuller and Lower Your Blood Sugar

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight or have trouble stabilizing your blood sugar levels, premium whey protein powder can help you get your weight on track and feel more energized while you do. Protein powder is an essential addition to your diet if you want to feel fuller longer, lose weight sustainably, and lower […]

5 Ways to Use Supplements to Control Your Blood Sugar

Regulating your blood sugar is about more than just avoiding disease. It is about feeling better in every aspect of your life and health. When you discover the power of using supplements to control sugar levels in your body, you open yourself up to a world of success. Here are 5 ways to use supplements […]

7 Advantages of Using Natural Supplements

Many people today are rejecting big pharmaceutical companies in favor of natural supplements. These products, created with plants and other completely natural ingredients, come from the same holistic approach that many cultures relied on long ago to treat medical challenges and remain healthy. Take Charge of Your Health One huge advantage of using holistic products […]

3 Mistakes That Can Mess Up Your Blood Sugar Regulation

We are bombarded with so much information nowadays when it comes to nutrition, eating correctly, and taking supplements to support our diets and lifestyles. Working through a minefield of fad diets and supplementations can be overwhelming.  It is refreshing to come upon an all-natural supplement that delivers what it promises. The 100% natural supplement Glucose […]

Lower A1C the Natural Way With Glucose Control 7 Ways 6.4

Your A1C is a blood test that is used to measure your average blood glucose level and is sometimes used to monitor how well you are responding to your current diabetes medication. For many people, the traditional route to lowering your A1C involves drinking more water and getting more exercise, but there are other natural […]

7 Benefits of Yeast-Based Probiotics

Research has shown the tremendous health benefits associated with taking yeast-based probiotics, and at Panacea Scientific, we make it our number one priority to provide our customers high quality, natural health and wellness supplements and products. Here are seven benefits of a yeast-based probiotic (like Arise): 1. Regulates Intestines Consumption of yeast-based microorganisms like Saccharomyces […]

4 Hazards of Elevated Blood Sugar

We are all guilty of it: feeling starved and then reaching for something with too much sugar. You feel a surge of energy from your elevated blood sugar levels, only to be followed by a hard crash, leading to lethargy and even more cravings for unhealthy foods. However, if your everyday diet is defined by […]

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  • When and who should take them
  • How do you know they’re working
  • A week’s worth of recipes
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